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Last seen 4 days ago

Yes not my favourite journalist, I remember how she forced out her predecessor at the Times who was a lovely man!

Always enjoy my trips to Edgbaston but I’m not too optimistic this year. Seems to be no sense of direction. Such a shame when Farbrace was here there seemed to be a clear future!

I was looking at a picture of the ground today. I bet there’s some in those new flats which were built and has a view of the ground who must be gutted a hotel will now block their view.

Looks like they were worried about being sued.

Has now left us in the lurch!

Hard to see the appointments as reassuring.

Frost role combination of operations, data and overseeing pitches.

An underwhelming email to members.

Goodness knows why we need to incorporate Birmingham Phoenix. Most of the appointments look like sticking plasters. Not sure it’s appropriate to use nicknames for people you’ve sacked. The only good thing was the picture of the Warwickshire flag!

They specifically stipulate that any candidate has to agree with clubs goals and strategy. This is then brought up at interview. If anybody seriously wants to affect change in outlook or operations it’s pointless. There may be some hollow wins on consumer issues but it’s a sop that was offered for ripping up direct accountability.

Tried this a couple of years ago.

They weren’t interested in anybody who might rock the boat. It’s a box ticking exercise unfortunately!

The big mistake was when we allowed them to create the Board to replace a Committee directly accountable to the members!

Looking it up the India tour was 76/77 so that was when he was expected to be selected.

Although it looks like he had an even better season with the bat in 77 with six centuries and an average of 42.

I always use him as an example of a classic player who was nearly lost because he was outside Birmingham.

South-Coast-exile wrote:

John Whitehouse came from my Grammar School, KEGS in Nuneaton, not a private school but a good cricketing Grammar School in the early 60's, with a keen sports master and a weekly visit from Derriff Taylor, both being key.

That’s right and he played for Nuneaton CC but he left to study at Bristol University and whilst there Gloucestershire made an approach to Warwickshire for him. It was only then the selectors at Edgbaston recognised the talent on their own doorstep! He should have played for England and toured India!

The_Lickey_Banker wrote:

BosworthBear wrote:

Highveld wrote:

Dan Mousley is an example of a school giving a scholarship to get a talented sportman to represent the school.

Well Dan was already at Bablake but it was a very keen ex Master called Terry Patchett who then donated the scholarship.

I forgot Bablake in my list of prospective Independent Schools we could link with. A great sporting school, with a good record of bringing cricketers along - not just Dan M. Now they tied up with King Henry's, there could be a great opportunity to improve our intake from Cov.

Indeed and not just Cov but the surrounding area as well so Nuneaton, Kenilworth, Leamington, Rugby

Highveld wrote:

Dan Mousley is an example of a school giving a scholarship to get a talented sportman to represent the school.

Well Dan was already at Bablake but it was a very keen ex Master called Terry Patchett who then donated the scholarship.

Well there is a whole County outside Birmingham including Coventry and I’d wager if there was a Birmingham v the Rest of the County match of the all time players the. The rest would be stronger.

I’d like to see players produced from both.

Even going back to John Whitehouse time we nearly lost him to Gloucestershire because selectors couldn’t be bothered to travel to Nuneaton.

Highveld wrote:

Other counties have good links with the private schools in their area, who help with the development of young players, apart from Jacob Bethell and Ben Blakemore that doesn't seem to be the case at Warwickshire.

And Dan Mousley

Great to see three games at Rugby again and would love to see a Championship game taken around the County!

Surely they can see how ridiculous the Bears thing is now? I’m old enough to remember when we weren’t even nicknamed the Bears!

Well said all.

The only team in world sport not playing under its own name!

Not even clever from a branding perspective!

The toss is going to be absolutely crucial.

Yea they speak more and more on behalf of Edgbaston than Warwickshire and if you mention it to them don’t even know they are doing it because they think it’s their job.

Big toss to win!

GerryShedd wrote:

It looks as though Stuart Cain is on the case - he says:
"We have been unlucky with injuries and the weather but, ultimately, others have been through the same, and I can see why some will say these are just excuses," Stuart Cain, the Warwickshire CEO, told The Cricketer. "We need to develop a squad and level of resilience that can manage what the season throws at us. We've not performed to the standards we set ourselves."

Sounds like a load of waffle.

In the bear pit of AGMs in years gone by Cain might have been in some jeopardy as per whatever the Chairman is called!

These days they think they are above it all and not accountable.

They’ve done some good things like the games at Rugby School but I do wonder if we ever recovered from the loss of Farbrace!

Unfortunately the Members gave their power away when they voted through the rotten constitutional changes.

Previously the WCCC Committee was directly accountable to the Members.

Now the Board isn’t and the Members’ Committee is a pointless sop.

Thats why we’ve ended up with people who think they work for Edgbaston rather than WCCC.