Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
Super Moderator
Posts: 1590

We all have a moan on here from time to time about how the Club is run. Here is a chance to get more involved:
Unfortunately, I am over the age limit but maybe there's someone else on here who has the time and the commitment.

Posts: 198

Tried this a couple of years ago.

They weren’t interested in anybody who might rock the boat. It’s a box ticking exercise unfortunately!

The big mistake was when we allowed them to create the Board to replace a Committee directly accountable to the members!

Posts: 668

Yes, I know what you mean, I have just given up my job at Halesowen College because they just want people who agree with everything. If you have an opinion, then keep it even if a few months later, someone in management come up with the same solution and claim it as their own. And they wonder why people are leaving in droves. It all sounds good but I don't imagine for one minute that a member will sway anything.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1590

As for what influence a member of the Committee has, it would be interesting to talk to Marina Dorward who used to post occasionally on the old Bearfans forum and has been on the Committee since 2019. I presume that she wouldn't be standing for re-election if she thought it was a waste of time.
I do, however, understand that the pleasure of being outside the tent peeing in can be greater than that of being inside peeing out.

Posts: 198

They specifically stipulate that any candidate has to agree with clubs goals and strategy. This is then brought up at interview. If anybody seriously wants to affect change in outlook or operations it’s pointless. There may be some hollow wins on consumer issues but it’s a sop that was offered for ripping up direct accountability.