Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
Posts: 49

Hate to admit it but tried to watch 100

If anybody else has do u understand graphics on screen

Totally baffling to me

Posts: 668

Tried to watch it but it all seems too jokey to me. I really do wonder if the players really give a ** or is the money just a big incentive to pretend you like the competition. Not sure how you can just join a team full of players you have never played with, at a venue you are not familiar with, in a competition that you will instantly forget about by next year. When I have seen it, I don't get the feeling that a loss to one side feels like a major drawback with players not really looking intensely horrified when a game slips away from them. As for the graphics, I find that a few of them are so far at the end of the screen, that they are virtually falling off the end. I don't really find that you need a lot of graphics and sometimes it gets in the way. Just a little tiny bit in the top left hand corner would suit me for all cricket.

Posts: 336

I think I despise it less than most on here but by no means find it great.

The fact they don't always show what score the team batting second are on is ridiculous. That is key information.

Secondly it's clear now after a few years that there are differences to T20 and one being that if a team has a bad start that's it, they lose. At least in T20 you have some time to rebuild.

It was supposed to be this big, major competition but one team today had ALL three overseas players unavailable because they were playing in... Major League Cricket in the US. The level of international stars in the comp is poor.

And then yeah further to previous post the players don't really seem to give a crap.

I have given it a chance but after giving it a chance I don't think it's fit for purpose.

Posts: 323

Concur with the sentiment of all the posts so far. One thing I think has definitely happened this third year is the transience of it all has become clear. Manchester team this evening was just journeyman county team, I think Bears T20 team would beat them easily. But it was hard to see them as a team. Maybe this is what purpose it will have. A massively saccharine billboard and if the kids like it, then sign up to your local county. But you won't support a 100 team long term. I live in London north of the Thames. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to support Birmingham or the Lords team. But I definitely don't care.

Posts: 49

Get the feeling that with the indecent haste and the odd parties that have suddenly been linked to the sale of the Hundred (Strauss, the Americans at Wrexham FC) that the authorities are trying to cash in before the bubble bursts. Be interesting to see how it goes. They will need a lot of separate investors to take the risk of becoming involved, not just a handful of teams. Not heard anything to suggest that the Indians want anything to do with it.

Posts: 236

I know there are test matches and other franchise leagues going on currently, but I've been genuinely shocked at both the really mediocre line ups for a lot of the 100 teams and the lack of close games/general excitement. There's no hope is there, the Blast is miles better.

Posts: 457

As soon as TV viewing figures drop, once the novelty wears off, this format will be confined to the WPB

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