Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
Posts: 330

Opening the batting for the Seconds today. Has he been released by Derbyshire?

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Derbyshire fans aren’t thrilled. They think he’s been treated very shabbily.
Don’t mind it for depth. But I don’t think it’s a fix for our long term top 3 issues.

Posts: 279

A 34 year old batsman with an FC average of 30 recruited from division two as our mediocre season peters out. Shows where we are as a squad.
It had been plainly obvious we needed to recruit a couple of quality top/middle order batsmen over the winter, which we failed to do and look where it has got us.
The situation reminds of where we were at in 2019 when after a few injuries to the bowling unit we had to get three out of favour players to fill in on loan at Kent. Remember Toby Lester, Ben Mike and James Wainman? I can't see Surrey doing that! Desperate times.