Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
Posts: 212

Price increases before we know what division we will be in

3 year price fix although it is very likely there will be less cricket in future years..

Really not a good look, even though I live in Ireland I was tempted to get a membership next year and try and attend fair bit of cricket

Just don't like the direction we are heading on and off the pitch. The focus of the Membership seems to be priority tickets for internationals rather than the quality of the domestic cricket

Posts: 334

Yeah, not a good look.

Poor performance overall this season and potentially less cricket next season. Should not equal a price increase imo.

Edit - The Gloucestershire commentator just said, under the new proposal there is potential for the number of days home cricket to be reduced from 39 to 25

Posts: 325

I've found it all to be just depressing this season, I didn't renew this year because I changed job and I didn't have as much availability so I couldn't justify the cost. I've been a couple of times to the T20 and a single 50 over match as that was all I could get to and I just found the whole experience to be poor.

The roads were a nightmare with night closures after games, parking was problematic with blue badge holders (and members) struggling to get parked close to the stadium. The increasingly yobbish behaviour in the 'Party Stand' which keeps getting bigged up and encouraged by big names, I saw at least three matches where fights broke out and the Police forced to escort people out of the ground.

All that before I mention the poor quality cricket on offer....

But I need not worry, Sir Strauss is going to fix it all by reducing what we have but charging us more for the privilege.

Posts: 212

The last few years, it seems that the majority of decisions are weakening county and test match cricket and just losing interest now

Give it 10 years and we will have a 4 month 20/20 competition between 8 privately owned city sides

Posts: 634

Commenting after the publication of ECB’s High Performance Review led by Sir Andrew Strauss, Kent Cricket’s Chair, Simon Philip, said: “The Strauss Review is a wide-ranging and comprehensive document. However, it should be remembered that it has been prepared through the prism of High Performance only.

“The two key areas for our Club – domestic structure and scheduling – remain within the discretion of the 18 First Class Counties. Within this group, we will now consider issues such as the needs of all our Members, supporters, players and stakeholders, the financial impact, the unintended consequences and the possibly irrevocable change to the essential nature of County Cricket.

“Kent Cricket is a fundamental part of our community, committed to supporting the growth of the Men’s and Women’s game at all levels.

“We continue to deliver success on the field, produce players for England and support one of the largest recreational and schools cricket populations in the country.

“We will not allow our Club to be rendered irrelevant.”

If Warwickshire touch this with a barge pole we will call the SGM

Posts: 953

Warwickshire will go for it. As I suspect will all the other test match county grounds other than Surrey.
They’re too desperate to stay on the ECB’s good side to keep international matches. Especially as match day revenue from the hundred was down, meaning that test matches are still the best way for a county to make money.

One question or point I do have on this review and on a lot of recent ECB appointments (Strauss, Key, potentially Knight as selector), isn’t it funny how the ECB makes almost all their money from Sky, and how so many roles are being filled by current or former Sky employees.

Posts: 634

Middlesex (Strauss's own county): "We strenuously underline our position on being opposed to any reduction in volume of 1st-class cricket played across season & most importantly the Championship... we firmly stand behind our belief this should remain at 14 games over the season"

Warwickshire could end up looking like that one complete arsehole at the end of the night

Posts: 634

Essex chief executive and interim chair John Stephenson told BBC Essex that as it currently stands, the club would not vote in favour of any reduction in the Championship.

3 down 4 to go

Posts: 198

It's Edgbaston v Warwickshire CCC

Technically the former doesn't exist but thats who the Board think they report to.

Posts: 182

The philosopher Bertrand Russell once wrote words to the effect that the best way to resolve a difference of opinion was discussion but that, in any debate, there might come a time when you concluded that the person with whom you were arguing was an idiot and any further talking was just a waste of time. I wonder if the Counties might have got to that point with the ECB. Only an idiot would distort the calendar to such an extent that most County grounds saw hardly any cricket in August by introducing a competition designed for people who don't like cricket. I'd love to see the Counties tell the ECB to shove the 16.4 and all its money. Schedule a two division, all-play-all County Chamionship from mid-May to mid-September with a Blast competition on Friday nights. Sorted.

Posts: 634

All they need to do is reject the Strauss review. Then shorten the RLODC by a fortnight so they can move one April round and one September round into late August. This'll give players more week long breaks that some have asked for.

No major changes required none of this upheaval

Keep 10+8 as counties prefer that structure and must keep 2 up 2 down. Easier to sell memberships plus more chance of promotions if you happen to be in Div 2 fewer teams will get trapped there for years and years.

Return to 9+9 as soon as it's feasible

Posts: 453

Please explain why players need week long breaks in a season of only 6 months. If the gap was closed between games a full red ball season could be restored (i.e.16 games). One way would be to play the T20 alongside the CC - either the day before or the day after. After all supporters enjoyed the Sunday league coming in the middle of a CC game

Posts: 634

Keaton Jennings suggested this. It makes sense to give every county the same rest week after first three CC games than all having different rest weeks

The rest week could be late April or early May. Then another rest week early September before the final 2 games.

I'd prefer 16 CC games too but baby steps

Posts: 49

There is a full scale interview with Andrew Strauss, on the BBC web site, under the head line of cutting the number of county games. At a time when counties are in the business of selling season tickets, is this coincidence or somebody’s idea to scupper those sales?

Posts: 571

How can the PCA support these proposals? Fewer matches = less income for counties = either lower wages or fewer players overall. Counties are hardly going to want to pay the same amount for less work…

Posts: 634

Gareth Batty has suggested the county game ought not be reduced to just providing talent for celebrity cricket formats

He should have a word with his old Worcestershire pal Darryl Mitchell then who seems to shill more and more for a certain broadcasting company rather than his members

Posts: 634

Proposals Threaten Our Survival' - CEO Statement

22 September 2022

Leicestershire CCC CEO Sean Jarvis has questioned the proposals outlined in the ECB’s High Performance Review following its publication yesterday morning (Thursday, 22 September).

Subsequently, the Club can announce a revised date for our Members’ Forum, which will now take place on Friday, 7 October at 6pm in the Charles Palmer Suite at Uptonsteel County Ground.

In response to the publication, Jarvis said: “We see the proposals in two parts. The recommendations around elevating the performances of players makes for 'interesting reading', and is a concept that requires more discussion and understanding.

“A focus on creating the right environment for players and coaches is something we very much support, and a plan that we believe could actually go further.

“However, when scrutinising the proposals for the domestic schedule, that is where issues arise from our perspective. Simply put, the suggestions do not work for Leicestershire.

“We have to ensure we protect the interests of both the Club and our Members. When you actually calculate it, the proposed schedule results in a 28% reduction in days of cricket at Grace Road for Members. That is not acceptable.

“At a time when we are seeing membership rise (34% growth compared to 2019), and more of our community having access to cricket, such a reduction is not fair and does not help to grow the game.

“A near 30% reduction in matchdays would ultimately mean a potential revenue loss of £250,000 for the Club and threaten our survival.

“Clubs are continually asked by the ECB to reduce their financial dependency on the central body, but the proposed schedule creates a conflict of messaging.

“Moving forwards, it is essential we talk to our Members to hear their opinions and give them the opportunity to help us to form a consensus from a Leicestershire perspective.”

The Club welcomes and encourages Members to join us for the rescheduled Members’ Forum on Friday, 7 October to air their views and concerns pertaining to the Review.

Leicestershire CEO, Sean Jarvis, Director of Cricket, Claude Henderson, and Chairman, Jonathan Duckworth will all be in attendance, with doors opening at 5pm ahead of a 6pm start.

Think that's 4 no's now 3 to go although we've to be careful of the bribes which will surely come along again

Posts: 323

I estimate those extra three no's will accumulate fairly quickly. Have to consider this is different to the 100. There counties didn't lose games, just there were some regions that didn't get extra high profile games. Similarly, when the CC went down to 14 games there was more lucrative t20 around. Any "bribes" would have to make good whatever is lost from the recommendations and I can't see the ECB shelling out for this.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1589

There is a lot in the article below to suggest that the Club has belatedly realised that it has not been communicating effectively with members:

Posts: 634

Committee having strong links with the membership is debatable

Farby obviously too candid with his views last time