Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

Just wanted to give the games a mention PLUS:
My daughter has three tickets for table tennis at the NEC on Saturday 6 August (9.30-12.30) at £15 each. If anyone is interested, let me know. She is offering them
around to friends so it is a case of first come, first served.

Posts: 950

Do the conditions of sale allow the resale of tickets?

Should the forum be supporting ticket touting?

Clause 8 of the ticket conditions of sale

"8. Any ticket offered, exposed and/or advertised for sale, sold, transferred, used or disposed of other than through Birmingham2022.com, the Official Resale Platform or an Authorised Ticket Reseller will be void and/or cancelled by Birmingham 2022 without notice and any Ticket Holder seeking to use the Ticket may be refused admission to or evicted from a Venue by any Authorised Person without refund or compensation, and must deliver up any and all Tickets in their possession at the request of an Authorised Person. Further, Birmingham 2022 may pursue any other legal remedy available in relation to the breach. The unauthorised sale and/or offer to sell a Ticket, exposure of a Ticket for sale and advertising that a Ticket is available to purchase will constitute a criminal offence under the Birmingham Commonwealth Games Act 2020 and action may be taken against offenders."

Posts: 24

Dear me, far better wasting a couple of tickets, kindly being offered by someone AT FACE VALUE.

Posts: 571

I’ve got no problem with it. It’s not like they’re being sold for a profit.

Posts: 950

At no point was the face value stated, but regardless of that, the post is supporting an ilegal activity.

"The unauthorised sale and/or offer to sell a Ticket, exposure of a Ticket for sale and advertising that a Ticket is available to purchase will constitute a criminal offence under the Birmingham Commonwealth Games Act 2020 and action may be taken against offenders.""

Is that acceptable for a forum moderator?

Posts: 950

Exiled Bear said

"I’ve got no problem with it. It’s not like they’re being sold for a profit."

You are assuming they are being offered at "face value", but even the act of offering the tickets is a breach of the conditions of sale and the comonwealth games act.

"The unauthorised sale and/or offer to sell a Ticket, exposure of a Ticket for sale and advertising that a Ticket is available to purchase will constitute a criminal offence under the Birmingham Commonwealth Games Act 2020 and action may be taken against offenders."

Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

Firstly, let's get rid of this ticket tout nonsense. The Games' organisers have confirmed that, because the official ticketing office closed at the beginning of the month, transferring tickets informally is preferable to them going unused.
So because my daughter is ill and we cannot attend, I have two tickets for tomorrow night's T20 game at Edgbaston between Barbados and Pakistan, which I am offering. The organisers say that transfers should be between family and friends - so if you don't think that sharing this forum makes us on-line friends, you presumably don't qualify. Otherwise, please let me know - cricket as part of the Games needs to be well supported to re-inforce the case for cricket at the Olympics. If you want to know more, please send me a message.

Posts: 950

If seems our not very "Super moderator" is becomng the local "Stan Flashman" touting even more tickets.

Obviously he seems to think he can totally and deliberately ignore the ticket conditions of sale and the law.

"The unauthorised sale and/or offer to sell a Ticket, exposure of a Ticket for sale and advertising that a Ticket is available to purchase will constitute a criminal offence under the Birmingham Commonwealth Games Act 2020 and action may be taken against offenders."

Posts: 571

Highveld wrote:

If seems our not very "Super moderator" is becomng the local "Stan Flashman" touting even more tickets.

Obviously he seems to think he can totally and deliberately ignore the ticket conditions of sale and the law.

"The unauthorised sale and/or offer to sell a Ticket, exposure of a Ticket for sale and advertising that a Ticket is available to purchase will constitute a criminal offence under the Birmingham Commonwealth Games Act 2020 and action may be taken against offenders."

Please give it a rest. I know that the real reason that you keep bringing this up isn’t because you actually care passionately about this issue, but is actually a result of your long-running vendetta against Terry, which I know has been a thing since the old bearsfans forum. I will reiterate, again, that I have no issue with what Terry is doing and this is the last time I expect to have to comment on the matter.

Posts: 950

There is no vendetta.

Also, tickets for the games are still available link below.


So to claim the ticket office closed a month before the event is incorrect!!!!

Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

Thank you, Exiled Bear!
Just to correct what I said - it is the Resale site that closed in early July, as reported by the BBC here:
Anyway, the tickets are still available for this evening if anyone wants them.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

I watched this evening's game at Edgbaston on BBC i-player. A pretty good contest and a reasonable crowd with quite a few young people. Some of the umpiring was a bit eccentric.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

Great to see such a big crowd at Edgbaston for the India v Pakistan match today.

Posts: 1378

The crowds have been pretty decent thus far. As far as I can tell.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

Great to see Edgbaston bursting at the seams today for England v India semi-final; and an excellent game won by India by just four runs.
No doubt the Indian fans will turn out again in force for the final tomorrow.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

A fantastic end to the Commonwealth Games cricket tournament with a full Edgbaston seeing the Final go to the last over before Australia, the best team, just won.
I get the impression that quite a few of the crowd were not regular cricket watchers, so that's great for the game.
Special praise for groundsman Gary Barwell and his team for, as usual, producing a great pitch.