Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
Super Moderator
Posts: 1555

I am trying very hard to be as excited about this as the Club appears to be:

Posts: 210

looks like a car park without parking spots... just empty space.

If they were serious about sustainability i'd have liked some really high quality secure cycle parking, also docking station to tie in with the West Midlands Cycle Hire scheme right in the heart of that plaza.

Some greenery wouldn't have gone a miss....

Posts: 937

The idea of the Plaza is to have a flexible open space that allows outdoor events to be held, eg a market, food festivals and even live music, as well as allowing space for spectators to circulate before/during and after events in the stadium.
Having cycle parking, trees or other forms of permanant street furniture reduces the flexibility and safety of the space.

Over time the Plaza should be an income generating part of the Edgbaston site.

The club still has a large car park, I'd assume cycle parking will be included in that, so it does not interfeer with the open use of the Plaza.

Posts: 49

I do hope I’m proven wrong and I haven’t studied the plans, but high rise rented residential developments, with in this case a questionable large amount of Radom public open space, have since the 60s proved a disaster, with many now being demolished. A lower rise mixed owner / rented occupation development plus hotel and leisure might have been better at producing a suitable grand entry for Edgbaston. As it stands to me they are just adding to the high rise blocks across the road. Suspect the Council, land ownership and financial situation have all something to do with this?

Super Moderator
Posts: 1555

Like Llanbranch, I share the worries and hope that I am wrong.
I'm not sure about the "large car park" that the Club supposedly has. Can someone send me a sketch map to show where it is.

Posts: 98

At the AGM in 2019....or was it 2020......they stated that the club would eventually have more car parking space than there was at the time.