Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
Posts: 113

Good article in The Times about counties charging young players (or more accurately the parents of young players) to take part in training and development squads. I do love county cricket but have always felt part of its rationale is that it develops the next generation of cricketers. If young players are being charged rather than youth schemes being ability based it makes even me wonder whether the counties might have outlived their usefulness . One bit of good news is Warwickshire were named (alongside Somerset and Glamorgan) as a county that didn't charge young players (or only charged a "nominal" amount).

Posts: 634

Continuing the positive theme about county cricket after all the negativity from the usual suspects, is the attitude of the Leicestershire CEO Sean Jarvis. who thinks (like me) that there should be 20 first class counties rather than a reduction

What is the future for red-ball cricket in the English game?

Absolute top bloke. We need more positivity about the county game like this. Well done to Leics CCC memberships up 30% albeit from a low base