Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
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Posts: 634

Great news I like the way the counties collaborative efforts with this one there are people at both clubs who really care aren't there. I would like to think they could do this kind of thing at first class level as well to sort of help sides out with ground issues. Worcester ought not be being asked to host games in early to mid April same for several of the smaller county ground set ups like Derby or Durham.

Surely and I'll get on my soap box again here, a schedule in future can be designed whereby sure the bigger test grounds host quite a few of their championship games early April as is necessary for ground availability, flat pitches, to get game time under the belts of potential test call ups etc...

No way should Worcester or Derby be being asked to host while rugby season is still in full swing in early April. Those counties rely on the few hundred (and on warm days maybe 1,500) hardy souls who turn up and that will be given more of a chance to eventuate in warmer June July and August as will the chances an outfield will have dried out from a deluge the fortnight beforehand or persistent spring rain that is unable to be shifted and cleared up until about June as in Worcester's case.

Worcestershire simply would not be even considering looking for a new ground if we had a sensible schedule with the bulk of their cricket hosted in June July and August. If that means more back to back games and the utilisation of squads and loans to cover things then that is how it should be scheduled. The faceless PCA might issue missives to the contrary but what would they prefer? Continual slide into irrelevance and inevitable closure of 6-7 of these wonderful county cricket clubs or a bit more effort from the 'professionals' they are supposed to represent?

Posts: 258

Great post ⬆️

Super Moderator
Posts: 1591

I would think the only person not too thrilled about the location switch for the Lancashire game will be Gary Barwell - another pitch to prepare!

Posts: 668

Remember Derbyshire offering us the use of their ground in that infamous B&H Cup quarter final in 1994. Kent said no, we had a 'Bowl-Out' in the indoor school, Kent lost and them complained to the ECB (Or whomever was 'Running' the game back then) and then for the rest of the season. What made it worse for Kent was that we beat them every time that season when we played them in other competitions.

Posts: 76

Great to see that Sam Hain is in the team for the delayed match against Lancs; hopefully a positive sign that he may be back in action for the first team soon ... although if the top three keep going the way they are his presence may not be necessary! Interesting too to see that two Flintoffs are playing for Lancs:


Posts: 330

Solbear wrote:

Great to see that Sam Hain is in the team for the delayed match against Lancs; hopefully a positive sign that he may be back in action for the first team soon ... although if the top three keep going the way they are his presence may not be necessary! Interesting too to see that two Flintoffs are playing for Lancs:


As well as Sam Hain playing, we've got 2 youngsters in, who've played for Worcester 2nds this season. Ollie Sutton (a left arm seamer) and Ismail Mohammed (a very promising batsman, who has also played for the South Asian team - and us last season). They're in for Nikki Gorantla (who got a ton against Essex) and Matt Burton.

'The only good banker, is the Lickey Banker!'

Posts: 953

I’m starting to find the Hain situation a bit odd.
I assume him playing in this is to get some match play in after 3 weeks off.
I’ve heard various rumours of why he’s not playing, none substantiatee, but do find it odd he’s been off for so long, but has been around to sub field, play second xi etc.

Posts: 571

BristolBear wrote:

I’m starting to find the Hain situation a bit odd.
I assume him playing in this is to get some match play in after 3 weeks off.
I’ve heard various rumours of why he’s not playing, none substantiatee, but do find it odd he’s been off for so long, but has been around to sub field, play second xi etc.

Maybe whatever the issue is/was meant that he wasn’t able to commit to being available for a full four day game (if he needed to be on call for something, for example) but that still meant that he could be in and around the matchday squad

Super Moderator
Posts: 1591

Report here of a Flintoff century:

Super Moderator
Posts: 1591

Report here:
Lancashire almost turn Jake Lintott into a Lancashire star by describing him as Jake Lintoff!