Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

Like one or two recent overseas stars, it would seem that the fireworks didn't shine and sparkle last night:
Edgbaston Facebook page:
"Due to the atmospheric conditions and unfortunate weather conditions we know that our fireworks display was impacted.
We are currently investigating the issues that occurred and we will communicate with all ticket purchasers in due course."

Posts: 453

At least no-one was hurt unlike at Stone cricket ground.

Posts: 571

Did they have two fireworks nights at Edgbaston? I saw some videos which looked pretty good.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

I think it was last night only - and there does seem to have been a problem:

Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

Apologies to Exiled Bear and correction - it seems there was a successful display on Friday night and Saturday was the problem event:
"A spokesperson for Edgbaston Stadium said: 'The Fireworks Spectacular is one of the most popular events in our calendar, with families returning year after year, so it's really disappointing the adverse weather conditions impacted last night's event.
'The same type and volume of fireworks were used on Friday night at the stadium and 4,000 visitors enjoyed an amazing display on a clear night.
'However, last night there was a lingering mist and the atmospheric conditions were such that smoke from the fireworks failed to dissipate. We understand that other displays in the region were also affected by the conditions.'"

Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

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