Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
Posts: 953

I don’t think it’s just Moeens wicket. It’s something I’ve noticed in general the last couple of matches. They just seem to have that bit less passion in the last couple of matches.
It’s easy to have great enthusiasm and spirit when you’re winning, maybe they just need one of those great moments that lift a side, and get them back on track.

Posts: 453

I think it's time Sam Hain came clean and tell us what he has done to upset the England selectors !! Absolutely incredible he keeps being overlooked. BB - I hope you are right and I hope that "great moment" comes next match.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1590

If it feels bad to be a Bears supporter when they have lost three games in a row, consider what it would be like to support Middlesex (difficult, I know) who have lost their last 12 (that's TWELVE) Blast matches, including one tonight off the last ball.
Anyway, for the benefit of Mr Robinson, who no doubt avidly reads Bearsfans, I can sum up who has been identified on this thread as being responsible for the losses:

  • Robinson himself - unable to admit his mistakes
  • Moeen - doesn't know enough about the players and hasn't scored runs
  • Maxwell - how much are we paying him? How much a run does that work out at?
  • Woakes - bowled badly against Derby
  • Benjamin - hasn't scored many runs
  • Brookes - too expensive with the ball
  • Miles - also too expensive
  • Mousley - has got out to bad shots when set
  • Davies - hasn't kept wicket well recently and hasn't scored enough runs
  • Lintott - hadn't bowled too well and so was dropped
  • Gary Barwell and the ground staff - putting the pitches in the wrong place

We might as well add in Norwell and Hasan for getting injured.
Apart from that, everyone is doing just fine (though Briggs didn't bowl as well as usual against Derby).
So all we have to do is drop all those listed above, bring in Rhodes and Barnard plus one or two others from the second team, maybe recall Burgess from Sussex and possibly see if we could get some of our ex-players back on loan - Laurie Evans scored a hundred last night and Adam Hose seems to be doing quite well - and what about Keith Barker?
There we are Mr Robinson - problem solved, though you may have to hand in your notice yourself so we can have a complete fresh start.

Posts: 231

Maybe we need a different coach for one dayers as our 4 day form under Robinson has been good!?