Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
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Posts: 1592

Spectators are to be allowed back for the Notts game at the end of May:

Posts: 634

Seems like an attempt to get ready for the test match. I was hoping same for the Worcester home game. Shame if they can't

Posts: 1378

The restrictions are totally disproportionate to the transmission rates now.

Just let us sit where we want and move about!

Posts: 54

I didn't renew my membership this year as I suspected that any return to spectating at Edgbaston would be hedged around with "new normal" regulations. Nor was I remotely happy with the rather nebulous pro-rata Covid money back guarantee. Presumably if you don't want to play ball with these restrictions you would not be eligible to count non-attendance or unwillingness to attend against the guarantee. For me watching live sport is a communal experience. What is on offer this year is the complete antithesis.

Posts: 571

I will gladly attend any live cricket that I'm allowed to, whether there are restrictions or not!

Posts: 1378

It's all so unnecessary, 7 or 8 hours watching from the same seat is a long time. It's why I don't go to international games.

I ain't got a clue which stand I want to sit in, I like to watch different bowlers from different vantage points, depends on the pitch location too. If I'm sitting in the Hollies but I rock up on the 27th and the pitch is Raglan side and I can't move ill be a bit annoyed!

However I'm gonna be at all 4 days of this game regardless so...

Posts: 369

The Crucible looks pretty full for the Snooker in an INDOOR Arena! Why are Cricket stadiums empty? Surely 3 to 4,000 could be allowed in to Edgbaston? Especially as it's open air sport!

Posts: 1378

It's an absolute joke. All these restrictions for what? 8 or 9 deaths a day? Come on now...

Posts: 369

The Crucible looks at full capacity today for the Snooker final?? INDOOR ARENA??

Posts: 668

The whole thong about when we can go and watch is crazy. Having to wait until the end of May is being over cautious and even though I am really looking forward to it, it will be interesting to look back at the end of the season to work out just how much I have been able to go and watch compared to normal.

Posts: 1

Is being able to move seats really worth "8 or 9 deaths a day?" & its currently 14 a day....https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/

Posts: 1378

OK I'll bite, 94 deaths this week compared to 133 last week, nice 30% drop. NHS not overwhelmed. Incredibly successful vaccine roll out.

Don't even think about wanting to move seats in a 25% capacity outdoor sports event though where the majority of attendees will have been vaccinated.

Rename this the Covid thread.

Posts: 634

Thinking of practical considerations. Will they have anywhere you can grab a coffee or tea at the City End for this game? Will they open up the tuck shop at the back of the Scoreboard or Scrivens Stand to make up for the fact the DH Suite will be closed or will they perhaps have an at seat service?

Surely they won't want everyone on that side of the ground heading to the Dollery Bar at tea time. And what will they have in place for the test match regards concession stands and social distanced queueing?

Posts: 1378

You order via the app and you get a notification when your drink is ready to be collected i believe.

Could see people jumping up mid over to collect their drink before it goes cold or flat or whatever?

Posts: 634

Given today's comments from Johnson regards the 1m+ rule being able to be dispensed with from June 21st does that open up possibility of full cricket grounds from then? Or will social distancing still need to occur at mass gathering events. If it is the former is it even worth bothering with the rigmarole they are setting up for this trial event versus Notts? Sure it worked fine that one day of the friendly vs Worcester they had set up for us to go inside last year but would they still be bothering with these pilots if 2/3 weeks later they could dispense with all restrictions?

Posts: 5

Do not go to Portland Road before 21 June it is closed to spectators. You can go and sit inside pubs, theatres and cinemas etc but not sit outside to watch cricket.

Posts: 1378

Really? This is crazy.

Posts: 950

Explanation from the club

Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

It may be just a coincidence that the Club has posted an explanation; but I do think that the Club keeps an eye on views expressed here and may have felt the need to respond.

Posts: 950

Having read the lengthy guidlines that apply from Monday, I can understand why the club have sadly had to reach that decision.

Fortunately spectators will be allowed at club cricket, allowing the clubs a chance to make some money from their bar and catering.
The past 15 months have been very hard for local comunity cricket clubs with no income. It would not be a surprise to see several well known clubs in the area fold as a result of COVID.