Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
Super Moderator
Posts: 1555

An interesting interview with Rikki Clarke here:
He discusses his time at Warwickshire in the middle section of the interview and is generally very positive, especially about Jim Troughton, who he describes as the best captain he has played under, plus Ashley Giles and Graeme Welch. Also, he says that, before he went to Derbyshire, he was on the brink of joining Warwickshire but then Mark Greatbatch who had recruited him got sacked.

Posts: 1362

2012 really was great times.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1555

It's not mentioned in the interview; but in the latest Wisden, I read that last year, during the pandemic, Rikki became an NHS volunteer, delivering shopping and medicine to the vulnerable.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1555

This is a long interview with a Surrey bias; but Rikki has some very positive things to say about his time at Warwickshire, with particular reference to the influence of "Pop" Welch, Jim Troughton and Ashley Giles: