Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
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Posts: 1590

Here's my review of the season for Deep Extra Cover:
I've tried to be as balanced and fair as possible but feel free to tell me where I've gone wrong.

Posts: 182

I always love an invitation to tell somebody they are wrong but, in this case, I wouldn't change a syllable. Spot on.

Posts: 76

Agreed UM - very fair and balanced, although I though a score of 4 out of 10 was erring on the generous side!

Posts: 330

I think the only omission from the Review, was no mention of Matt Lamb being released, despite being so high in the batting averages (with 48).

'The only good banker, is the Lickey Banker!'

Posts: 953

I agree with it for the vast majority.
Though think the milk of human kindness comment is true, 4/10 seems generous. Compared to last year we were obviously far worse in the CC, achieved the same in T20, and collapsed epically after Burgess and Pandya got injured in the RLODC.

I think we flattered to deceive in the T20. Hose and Hain carried the batting, with others like Davies, Benjamin, Stirling and Braithwaite really not contributing anywhere near enough, but scoring either some easy runs, or getting 1 score in flamboyant style to keep the questions away.
But when it came down to it, like most of the season, when the hard work needed doing and Hain and Hose in T20, or Hain, Burgess and Sibley in the Championship failed to make some sort of score, then the entire side were out too cheaply.

I’ve more sympathy for the bowlers, they were pretty good in the T20, Stone especially. And on the championship the effort was there, but just lacked that incisive edge, partly through injury, and some inexperience (including oddly our Overseas). I don’t think they were helped by the squad planning. Having a bowling attack built around OHD, Brookes, Norwell and Miles, all who have suffered one if not more significant injuries in the last 2/3 years seems naive at best. And they lacked a top class bowling coach after Welch left. So although they didn’t carry their fair share early in the season, I think they were let down behind the scenes as much as anything.