It's probably because we notice it more and see more with live streams everywhere etc but the standard of umpiring in has been a disgrace this season.
It's probably because we notice it more and see more with live streams everywhere etc but the standard of umpiring in has been a disgrace this season.
Was that really out?!
Looked like it was swinging down leg side by some distance to me?
Mind you, Burgess has come out swinging the bat when there is absolutely no reason to do so..........we are throwing all of yesterdays good work away
Another questionable decision for Burgess too. Will we get DRS in the county championship at some point I wonder?
But four wickets down this early is not good for our chances.
Appeal for anything at Billy Taylor's end, he's had a shocker all game.
8 down now
That is 4 wickets in 25 minutes..........I would to say that you could not make it up but unfortunately you can.
Surrey will have this wrapped up by just after tea.
Terrible stuff from us, even with some poor umpiring.
A collapse this last half-hour. Some questionable umpiring. They really need to introduce DRS for all games. McAndrew really needs to protect the tail.
Our intent today should have been to kill the first 10 overs off and this would have frustrated Surrey and taken time out of them being able to chase a score down.
Instead we come out trying to hit boundaries and are now clinging on................not anymore as the 9th goes down.
McAndrew swishing at an inswinger
And another one bites the dust.
The one thing we absolutely had to avoid this morning was being bowled out quickly.
Why does this first hour fail to surprise me with our lot?
Ive no real issue with our approach this morning, it's not like they were going totally gung ho, just putting the bad delivery and loosener away.
Then Billy Taylor got involved.
The Hain and Burgess decisions were huge, umpiring is tough work but those decisions from were scarcely believable.
We may still find a way, but to lose 6 wickets in 9 overs and give Surrey two and a half sessions is piss poor. That's probably the exact opposite of what the plan was this morning.
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McAndrew can bat as well but he then chases after another swinging delivery rather than being watchful.
If we would have tried to see off the first 10 overs without taking any risks, the game would be in our control. Instead we are staring down the barrel of not just a defeat but also relegation. We would still have lost 2 or 3 wickets but once the lead creeps to 260 and the overs start ticking away, Surrey would have become more desperate needing the win.
Yes there have been a couple of bad decisions but we have reverted to type this morning. Yesterday's performance was out of the ordinary for us this season I am afraid.
God knows what has happened above!
The standard of umpiring all year has been poor and over the last few years only getting worse.
Burgess and Hain absolutely triggered. Just shocking for both. Hain nowhere near it. Burgess was a yard down the pitch. Swinging a long way down.
I’m not sure I can criticise any of them in terms of approach. They were doing what Surrey did. Put away the bad ball and got poor decisions. Batting an extra 10 overs for 20 runs would arguably have made no difference. Then saying he should of got bat on it is the same as saying he shouldn’t have played the shot if you get given out caught behind when you didn’t hit it. It’s an irrelevance, it should never matter because the umpire should never be giving those sort of decisions out.
Burgess has been coming down the pitch all season, to negate the swing and prevent decisions like this. Considering he’s got almost 800 runs at 50, I’d say it’s working. It’s also the exact same approach Pope took against OHD in this match, and we’ve seen a number of opposing internationals take that approach in tests.
Yeah Burgess moves down the pitch to negate the swing and in Hain's defence when your on 96 and you get a delivery going down leg you try and hit that. It isn't like either batter has tried to reach for one way outside off stump and slapped one straight to extra cover.
I still say that we should have been very circumspect for the first 10 overs and only try and put balls away that were pies, 1's &2's would have naturally come as would Surrey's frustration.
Anyway agree to disagree. One thing we can say is that we are now in the mire with Somerset's game in hand and points going to them for a draw.
We need beat them to stay up imo.
I think the issue we disagree on isn’t that they shouldn’t have been circumspect. It’s that I can’t see how Hain and Burgess weren’t. Hain went after a “pie” and didn’t hit it, and got given out.
Burgess was playing a similar shot at a ball going down the leg side, missed it and got a very poor LBW.
Neither had been clearing the front leg and swinging for the fences. They played the exact shot you’d expect them to play. What could they have done differently?
That’s why it’s annoying. You can’t execute everything perfectly, but they made the right decisions, and were unfairly and incorrectly punished for it.
If someone could tell me what they’d expect those 2 players to do differently, other than smack it to the boundary, I’d be all ears but I can’t see what they did wrong.
There were 4 other wickets to fall in those 10 overs and that's the real problem. Yes they were shocking decisions but you can't let it prefigure a dismal collapse like that.
Granted 4 others fell. But of those 4, only one of those was a recognised batsman. McAndrew can bat but he’s hardly an all rounder. And Norwell and OHD are 10 and 11 for a reason. You sort of expect that from the tail end. It’s the fact the tail was exposed that caused the issue, and the tail was exposed because of the 2 decisions.
And in my opinion it’s not just that 2 decisions were poor, that’s pretty common now, as the standard of umpiring seems to tumble. It’s just how extremely poor they were, that they were in such quick succession, at a really crucial moment in the match, and to cap it off it’s against our 2 highest run scorers this season. It was essentially the worst possible scenario, and through no fault of the players.