Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
Posts: 98

Really not very happy about this for all the reasons being stated on social media. This looks very much like a self inflicted wound. However, I wonder if any suggestions about future match allocations were mentioned by ECB?

Is it really all about TV contracts etc being fulfilled at the expense and convenience of match attending fans.

I understand why Old Trafford isn’t available for the suggested dates, but can anyone explain to me why Edgbaston had to be the new host venue involved? Will we be afforded refunds for the 100 over ODI that has now become a 40 over slogathon?.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

I agree that what was presented by the Club as good news is at best a mixed blessing.

Posts: 22

Yes, this was all very Bizzare.

Did anyone 'win' the SA ballot to begin with? I did, but on trying to buy Day One tickets for SA game on the day ballot opened, it was sold out!! I wrote to Edgbaston (no response) to query what part of 'winning' the ballot had I achieved? Did anyone Not win the ballot? More annoyingly, received follow up email telling me it was the last chance/day to buy tickets following my 'ballot win' when Day 1 was sold out on first day. Wrote to Edgbaston again (no response).
Bought ticket for Day 2 of SA test. Then this bizzare change of date & team which my ticket is still valid for! ???
I am not on any Social Media so would like to see any coverage of this decision, if anyone can publish here ?
I wanted to see SA, not that bothered about a final test against India, where they pulled out of last fixture, so players could get back for restart of IPL anyway or are we not allowed to say that?

Posts: 98

Isn’t the ballot the 3rd or 4th category of access? This is after the various categories of membership, previous purchase history, ECB 12th man members etc. I’m surprised any are remaining by the time it reaches general sale through a ballot.

Posts: 22

Yes probably, I don't mind that at all & would expect so. It was the "you've win the ballot" that upset me.
If they said tickets on sale at 10am, fine. But I didn't try buying till later as I had "won the ballot".

I won't mention this again. Lol

Posts: 1378

I'm completely out of my depth here as I stopped going to the internationals years ago but for what it's worth I think this fixture change is poor, you buy tickets for a game at the August Bank Holiday and find out its actually for first week of July against entirely different oppo. Disgraceful really.

Posts: 22

"Disgraceful really."

Yes, indeed & I do not understand the reasoning.

Posts: 182

I think you'll find the reasoning is called "money".

Presumably the ECB think that if they can get an audience for a dog's breakfast like The Hundred, then they can treat their customers with contempt and still get away with it.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1592

Depending on what you think of South Africa and India as opposition, it's a bit like agreeing a date with a beautiful young lady and then discovering that she has sent her ugly and grumpy cousin instead.
Not that I bear any grudges, so many years later, for this having happened to me!