Warwickshire CCC unofficial fans forum
Posts: 950

Losing Keith would be a major loss, hopefully he can be persuaded to take a part time advisory role.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1590

The latest Cricketer magazine has a different take on the end of season review from the on-line version:
"Following a disappointing four-day campaign from a team perspective, the management duo of Gavin Larsen and Mark Robinson carried out an October review which included asking the opposition coaches for feedback on what they felt were the team's strengths and weaknesses."
A novel approach, though I think I would have been inclined to tell them: "That's your job. If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you."

Posts: 279

GerryShedd wrote:

The latest Cricketer magazine has a different take on the end of season review from the on-line version:
"Following a disappointing four-day campaign from a team perspective, the management duo of Gavin Larsen and Mark Robinson carried out an October review which included asking the opposition coaches for feedback on what they felt were the team's strengths and weaknesses."
A novel approach, though I think I would have been inclined to tell them: "That's your job. If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you."

Are these pair for real? They get paid big salaries to win cricket matches and yet the best they can come up with is to ask other teams what they should be doing better.
Case in point why both need to find the door marked 'exit'.

Super Moderator
Posts: 1590

Larsen leaving!

Posts: 325

Bizarre, right after the signing of the NZ test captain.

No news on the head coach still or anything about the end of season review.

There seems to be a real lack of leadership at the moment.

Posts: 953

I wonder if this is jump before pushed departure following the end of year review.
What it does do is make Robinson staying more likely. You can’t see them push out both the DoC and Head Coach close together.
Ironically I think most would have preferred it the other way round.

I think we’ve got to the point now where Robinson stays. Even if they sack him today, they’ve got to put the job out there, interview etc. by the time that’s done you can’t see someone in the role by mid-January at the absolute earliest, that’s if they turn up immediately too and don’t wait to get a DoC in first.
They then have to get to know the team, you’ve got a pre-season tour, and likely no DoC to help with any of it.
The clubs sloth like process has basically saved Robinson’s job. Which calls into question the entire leadership.